2nd newsletter
2nd project newsletter (september 2020)
CHESS project – Creative Intrapreneurship Empowerment Skills
Project duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021
What has been done up to now?
Situational analysis
During the first month of 2020, CHESS partners carried out a Situational analysis through the use of questionnaires and interviews in order to investigate the competences needed by young adults of the Cultural and Creative industries (CCIs), in the age group 20-29, to responsibly and autonomously engage in intrapreneurial activities and efforts. A total of 250 young people and 52 employers were surveyed in the six project countries, giving interesting insights on the main intrapreneurial-related knowledge, skills and attitudes they perceive as fundamental.
Synthesis Report
The analysis resulted in six National reports describing the situation in Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Belgium, and in a Synthesis Report that presents the main findings of the investigation.
Main insights from the IO1 Synthesis Report below :
Over 65% of the survey respondents were female, with the highest female – male ratio in Slovenia, Italy, Romania and Denmark.
‘’Adaptability,’’ ‘’Communication’’ and ’’Collaboration / Team work’ ’most important competencies.
‘’Leadership’’, ‘’Resilience‘’ and ‘’Not being afraid to fail’’ were the less important competences.
Read the full CHESS report down below https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track
Project meetings
Based on these results, CHESS partners started to design training material for the development of key intrapreneurship-related skills and competences among young people of the CCIs. The training follows a non-formal training methodology and intends to develop tools and materials to foster young people intrapreneurial skills. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 situation, CHESS partners were not able to meet in Ancona in June 2020 as foreseen, but they are keeping constantly in contact through online technical meetings to ensure a smooth implementation of the activities.
Training modules
During the summer, the content of the training modules were developed. CHESS partners paid particular attention to reflect the training needs identified in the Situational analysis and to adapt their programs to the new digital nature of the training, due to COVID-19. Six training modules will be soon available on the CHESS e-Learning Platform to support young people to engage in intrapreneurial activities.
What is waiting for you next?
CHESS training is going to start soon! During the next months, the following modules on intrapreneurship will be available on our e-Learning Platform:
The Fundamentals of Intrapreneurship;
Characteristics of Intrapreneurs;
Becoming and intrapreneur;
Discovery Phase: Lean Startup + Experiment Methods; Tips for Implementing a Discovery Phase;
Ideation Phase: Ideation Methods & Design Thinking; First Steps to Develop Your Idea;
The Intrapreneurial Process.
These learning resources are expected to boost young people’s employability by providing them with additional knowledge, techniques and practical activities to develop their intrapreneurial attitude. People from the age group 20 – 29 from Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Belgium will be invited to follow the course and will receive tailored support during the learning process. Even if we had to switch all the activities to an online format, we will not renounce engaging with trainees, exchange ideas and receive their feedback to further improve the training! We expect at least 20 people from each country to follow the course and engage in Discussion Forums.
CHESS consortium
Danish Institute for Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship (DISIE), Demark - coordinator
Forum delle Camere di Commercio dell'Adriatico e dello Ionio (AIC Forum), Italy
Foundation ADELE, Bolgaria
Moverim Consulting Sprl, Belgium
Asociatia SIMO, Romania
Contact the project team
Anne Katrine Heje Larsen: annekatrine@disie.dk
Denislav Iliev: d.iliev@adele-ngo.org
Daniel Jianu: asocsimo@gmail.com
Laura Vivani: vivani@moverim.eu
Tomislav Rozman: tomislav.rozman@bicero.com
Alina Nistor: alina.nistor@marche.camcom.it
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