3rd newsletter
3rd project newsletter (februar 2021)
CHESS project – Creative Intrapreneurship Empowerment Skills
Project duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021
What has been done up to now?
Training program
From June to September 2020, we have developed our training program “The Chess Intrapreneurship Academy”. The program offers a free online course that is split into 6 modules and where the student can get accreditation for each of them after completing the whole course.
Read the full CHESS training content here.
CHESS partners worked together to finalize the classes, and then translated the program into their mother tongue, allowing the CHESS website to offer the training content in 6 different languages other than English: Bulgarian, Danish, French, Italian, Romanian and Slovenian.
E-learning platform
In the meantime, our partner BICERO developed the CHESS e-learning platform where all of our students can find their learning material, all the information related to the courses, and interact with each other.
In December, we have launched the promotion of the course. As we are targeting young students, social media have been an important communication channel but project partners were also encouraged to use their own networks and resources in order to get new participants.
Overall we managed to fully book the first session of the course, which has started in the middle of January.
What will the students learn?
The Fundamentals of Intrapreneurship: The goal of this module is to provide basic knowledge regarding the intrapreneurial culture and its characteristics.
Characteristics of Intrapreneurs: The module aims at presenting traits that typically characterize successful intrapreneurs and the benefits deriving from their behaviour in the workspace.
Becoming an intrapreneur: Through this module, students can understand why should one be an Intrapreneur, and how can one be one at any company.
Discovery Phase: Students can learn how to embrace their ideas, test and improve them and to understand how to work entrepreneurial in any way or place.
Ideation Phase: Through this module, students can learn how to recognize and act on areas that can be improved for the elaboration of a new business model. Moreover, they will be able to understand how to build their organizational innovation strategy by gaining a better understanding of businesses main segments and areas.
The Intrapreneurial Process: This learning module introduces the concept of the entrepreneurial process - from the need detection, idea gathering to the implementation and dissemination phase.
Who are our students?
At the moment, we have gathered more than 300 participants for all of our six-course sessions. Here are some of the key numbers about who our participants are:
66% of our students are between 18 and 25 years old,
68% of our Participants are Students,
9,5% of our Participants have a Non-EU Nationality,
Italy, Romania and Belgium are the three top countries of Residency of our Participants,
10% of the Participants have already finished the course.
The third group of the CHESS Intrapreneurship Academy starts on March 15! We invite you to read more and apply here.
CHESS consortium
Danish Institute for Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship (DISIE), Demark - coordinator
Forum delle Camere di Commercio dell'Adriatico e dello Ionio (AIC Forum), Italy
Foundation ADELE, Bolgaria
Moverim Consulting Sprl, Belgium
Asociatia SIMO, Romania
Contact the project team
Anne Katrine Heje Larsen: annekatrine@disie.dk
Denislav Iliev: d.iliev@adele-ngo.org
Daniel Jianu: asocsimo@gmail.com
Laura Vivani: vivani@moverim.eu
Tomislav Rozman: tomislav.rozman@bicero.com
Alina Nistor: alina.nistor@marche.camcom.it
Stay updated and follow us on our Facebook page!